Hello Aditya here 😊,

Welcome! My name is Aditya Singh Rawat, and I am a passionate full-stack developer from New Delhi, India. This website serves as a showcase of my skills, experience, and projects.

I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications from Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Janakpuri, Delhi, and have a strong foundation in programming languages like TypeScript, Java, C/C++, and data structures and algorithms.

With experience in web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js, React.js, and more, I have worked on various projects, including a digital visiting card generator, a library management system, and an anonymous forum application.

Feel free to explore my portfolio, check out my projects, and get in touch with me for potential collaborations or opportunities. You can find my contact information and links to my GitHub and LinkedIn profiles below.

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Work Experience
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  • Sep2023 - Present
    Sacesta Technologies
    Full Stack Developer
    • Developed admin portal & web app backend using Next.js, MERN stack & AWS S3, Stripe
    • Built digital visiting card MERN app
    • Worked on outsourced UI projects using Material-UI and React
    • Developed 2 Express APIs and worked on some outsourced React/Material-UI projects
  • Nov2022 - Dec2023
    Junior Frontend Developer Intern
    • Built various API integrations for the platform, using basic, API key, based, and oauth 1.0 and 2.0 as authentication for integrating
    • Created some internal utility tools for their platform using NestJS as the backend framework (trained there)

Recent projects

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Let's Connect

If you want to get in touch with me about something or just to say hi, reach out on social media or send me an email.